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Recognition of qualifications: new practical guide on information provision

Other 25.05.2021

The TPG-LRC project, aimed at promoting the implementation of procedures compliant with the Lisbon Recognition Convention, has published a guide for higher education institutions. TPG-LRC stands for “Thematic Peer Group B on the Lisbon Recognition Convention” and the project has been coordinated by the Italian ENIC-NARIC centre CIMEA, in partnership with EUA, among others.

The guide contains recommendations, practical tips and a short list of self-assessment questions on how to provide relevant, accurate and targeted information on the recognition of qualifications. It was launched at the project’s final seminar “Recognition in the European Higher Education Area – outlining the way forward” on 25 May.

At the seminar, the project consortium also presented the publication “Substantial differences: A glimpse of theory, practice and guidelines”. The document aims to contribute to the discussion on how to categorise the different typologies of substantial differences and to support higher education institutions in understanding whether a difference or a set of differences should be considered substantial.

Another, previously published outcome of the project is the leaflet for students “Will my qualification be recognised? Golden rules on academic qualification recognition for students in the European Higher Education Area”. The leaflet provides basic information about the Lisbon Recognition Convention and students’ rights to fair and transparent assessment of their qualifications, alongside five key things to know when aiming to have a qualification recognised. The leaflet is also available in the form of a video.

Finally, the project has also produced the “Online meeting toolkit: How to create effective online events”, which is based on the project coordinators’ experience with having to swiftly transform physical events into an online format during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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