Webinar “Higher Education Conversation: International mobility flows: a South-South perspective”
This is the second round of Higher education conversations, now in the leadup to the entry into force of the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. This second conversation in the series aims to bring together policy makers and higher education stakeholders to discuss and advance the understanding of international mobility flows from a South-South perspective.
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Event “Bridging the Gaps: Rethinking Recognition to Ensure Equal Opportunities for Refugees”
Through the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC), the European countries have committed to develop procedures for assessing refugees’ qualifications, even when documentation is lacking. But how should higher education institutions and ENIC-NARIC centres go about to assess and recognize the qualifications of refugees’ who are not able to provide documentation of their studies? The EQUAL project
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European RPL Network: Online conference in November 2024
The European RPL network is the association of national networks and institutions in higher education in Europe working on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). It connects and links national networks and institutions dedicated to RPL in the European Higher Education Area. The main purpose of the ERPL Network is to enhance the use of RPL
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Webinar “Challenges and opportunities in recognition of qualifications in higher education: Global perspectives”
The members of the Global University Associations Forum (GUAF) are pleased to announce a webinar taking place on 5 June, entitled ‘Challenges and opportunities in recognition of qualifications in higher education: Global perspectives’. Registrations for the webinar are open.
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Online event “Recognizing micro-credentials: from theory to practice”
This virtual event, which is organised in the context of the Erasmus+ co-funded “Automatic Recognition in the European Education Area 2025” (AR25) project, is centered on the question of how higher education institutions (HEIs) can be supported in developing flexible recognition procedures for micro-credentials.
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Webinar “Fostering partnerships in higher education for the recognition of refugees’ qualifications”
The European Students’ Union (ESU), together with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Bureau for Europe, will organise the webinar ‘Fostering partnerships in higher education for the recognition of refugees’ qualifications’. The webinar will take place on the 21st of May 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST, online. Tentative agenda and invited organisations: • Presentation from the
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Webinar “Enhancing refugees’ opportunities for further study and employment: how credential evaluators from around the world can work together in the international pool of credential evaluators in the EQPR (Council of Europe) and UQP (UNESCO) projects”
This TAICEP webinar highlights recent developments in the international multilateral projects where credential evaluators around the world play a crucial role. Systematic training and experience exchange within the frameworks of the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR) and UNESCO Qualifications Passport (UQP) projects enable credential evaluators to broaden and update their knowledge on the diverse
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Council of Europe online consultation on automatic recognition
In the framework of its project on Automatic Recognition of Qualifications the Council of Europe (CoE) invites representatives from higher education institutions from Council of Europe member states to join an online consultation meeting on 15 March 2024 at 10:00 CET, organised in cooperation with the European University Association and EURASHE. The aim of this
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Webinar “Unpacking recognition: from the basics to automatic recognition”
The second webinar of the EUA series “Toward Tirana 2024, the Bologna Process and developments in the EHEA” will provide an overview of relevant documents and development in the field of academic recognition, i.e. recognition of qualifications and study periods for educational purposes. This event takes place on 16 January 2024, from 14.00 to 15.00 CET. Ever
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AI and credential evaluation: How AI may be used and what to beware of
Learn more about the potential and limits of artificial intelligence, including LLMS and Chatgpt, what it means to use AI in case-handling systems, the use of documents provided by AI, the impact on fraud, and algorithmic bias.
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CONVERGENCE: Credential Innovation in Higher Education
This event examines new and emerging trends and models, especially at the institutional level, in the emergent field of alternative credentials. The following topics will be discussed: credential Innovation in Higher Education; models and approaches to alternative and innovative credentials; implementation of innovative and alternative credentials; role of employers in the higher ed credential ecosystem.
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