
The Academic Recognition Hub provides access to various types of resources, including legal documents, guidelines and other publications, such as reports and articles. It does so by guiding you to relevant websites that offer information on the topic of academic recognition, as well as other relevant fields like quality assurance or accreditation. Enter your search terms in the field for a quick search and your results will appear below. For an advanced search, simply select a type of resource and relevant topics.

Editor’s Picks

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  • Publications 2024 Bologna Process tools, Digitalisation

    Chiara Finocchietti and Serena Spitalieri: AI in qualification recognition: Risks vs opportunities

    University World News

    This article looks into recent higher education policy developments with an impact on how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) might shape practice in recognition of qualifications, and analyses associated risks and opportunities.

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  • Publications 2024 Automatic recognition, Bologna Process tools, Recognition of prior learning, Refugees

    Bologna With Students Eyes 2024

    European Students' Union (ESU)

    This publication explores how the implementation of the Bologna Process, including recognition in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention as a key commitment of the Bologna Process, is perceived amongst ESU’s members (national unions of students). The publication seeks to bring attention to the students’ priorities and recommendations for the future of the Bologna Process. The publication is prepared before each Ministerial Conference, considering the period since the previous Ministerial Conference, and this edition is dedicated to the Tirana Ministerial Conference, which took place in May 2024.

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  • Training and peer-learning 2024 Convention, Global, Good practice

    Webinar recording “Challenges and opportunities in recognition of qualifications in higher education: Global perspectives”


    This webinar, organised on 5 June 2024 by the Global University Associations Forum (GUAF), was discussed the UNESCO Global Recognition Convention and brought together experts from multiple continents to discuss current challenges and good practice in implementation academic recognition.

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  • Publications 2024 Bologna Process tools, Quality Assurance, Refugees

    Ensuring and enhancing the quality of recognition processes: Key considerations and recommendations

    CIMEA, TPG-LRC CoRE project consortium

    This report explores the quality of academic recognition procedures in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It understands the term “quality” in the context of recognition both as compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC) and as quality assurance (QA) of recognition procedures, in line with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). The report aims to provide key insights and recommendations on how to better implement the LRC (and, further, the ESG), as well as how to better link recognition and QA.

    This document was developed within the TPG-LRC Constructing Recognition in the EHEA (TPG-LRC CoRE) project, which aims to support the implementation of the Bologna Process focusing on its key commitment 2 on national legislation and procedures compliant with the Lisbon Recognition Convention in the countries of the Thematic Peer Group B (TPG B).

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